With apologies to Harry Beckwith's 'Selling the Invisible" the problem with services is that you cannot see them. "You can't show the service doing anything because services are invisible; services are just promises that somebody will do something". Similarly, there is a lot of invisible work going on under the surface in a high-quality Search to ensure a higher-quality outcome, relative to cheaper search processes.
The hiring manager is faced with choosing between traditional, higher-priced search firms and a cheaper alternative to fill a senior position. Despite the substantial price difference, the manager opts for the cheaper firm due to its ‘no hire-no fee’ structure, seeing it as a risk-free option. The cheaper firm eventually finds a suitable candidate, leading the manager to conclude that cheaper pricing yields the same outcome and decide to stick with it.
However, there are underlying factors that high-quality search firms provide beyond just finding suitable candidates. These factors, such as candidate evaluation, process quality, and cultural alignment, contribute to a higher-quality outcome. The manager should consider these ‘invisibles’ when selecting a search firm rather than focusing solely on price.